Summary of research interests

  • Statistical Genomics
  • High-dimensional Data Analysis
  • Statistical Learning and Kernel Methods
  • Multiple Hypothesis Testing
  • Test of Association
  • Multivariate Analysis
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis
  • Clinical Biostatistics

My primary research interests lie broadly in developing statistical methodologies for large biological data sets such as ‘omics’ data sets. In particular, my interest span several areas such as test of association, expression Quantitative Trait Loci (eQTL) analysis, kernel machine methods, multiple hypothesis testing, longitudinal data analysis and multivariate methods. Although my research interests are varied, they are all motivated by real-world problems.

In addition to my methodological research, I have also conducted extensive interdisciplinary and collaborative research. Collaboration is an essential component of my research activities. While it helps to establish a bridge between statistical theory and its applications to real life problems, it also inspires evolution of novel methodologies. I look forward to new collaboration opportunities in future.

Some ongoing research work

Currently I am involved in a project that explores a statistical framework to help estimation and hypothesis testing related to heritability of intermediate traits from high-throughput sequencing data.

In another project, I am working on finding patterns of auditory co-morbidities for patients with intellectual disabilities. It involves mining a large data set from two hospitals in the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center.

I am involved in several other ongoing research projects including methodology development in the field of multiple testing and interdisciplinary work in collaboration with clinical researchers.